Thursday, February 22, 2018


I have watched so many 'Newborn Must Haves' videos that I didn't know that I was going to make this post. I decided to go ahead and make my own post because a few of my favorite items, don't get the love they deserve!

#1 The DockATot
We originally had no plan to co-sleep with Lennox, it was never something we wanted or thought was a good idea. Lennox had other plans. We tried to have her sleep in a bassinet beside the bed, but she would not sleep in it. As soon as we got the DockATot and put her in it, she started sleeping better. [We have since transitioned her to the DockATot Grand and she sleeps in it in her crib. She moves too much while sleeping, the DockATot keeps her in relatively the same place all night.]

#2 Love to Dream Swaddle 
Her sleep got even better when we put her in this. She never liked being swaddled with her arms in. She was an escape artist from day one. She has slept like an angel since we started using this Swaddle.  She technically doesn't weigh enough to be using this yet, but it doesn't seem that big on her actually. She loves being able to have her hands by her face to sleep.

#3 Cloud 9 Jammies
These are the best jammies I have come across. They zip from the top, so it makes changing diapers at night a dream. They also have elastic around the ankle, so her feet stay in the foot part. They also come in a pack of 3 for $12.99, so they are super affordable!

#4 Copper Pearl Swaddle Blanket
I already did a full review on these blankets, so check that out if you want more information. These blankets are great for the car seat, and just everyday use.

#5 Nose Frieda
I think this thing is on everyone's must have list. There is a reason for that and it's because it is amazing! Lennox has had nasal congestion multiple times since coming home and the Frieda is the only thing that helps clear her out.

#6 Como Tomo Bottles
Lennox is not bottle picky (thank the Lord), so we have have bottles from Avent, ComoTomo, and Joovy. The Avent bottles are a last resort bottle for my husband and I, we just don't love them. The Joovy bottles are my husbands favorites and the ComoTomo are my favorite. They are the easiest to clean and Lennox seems to like to hold on to them more than the other bottles.

#7 Zoli Buzz B Electric Nail File
As a first time Mama, I was terrified of clipping Lennox's nails. Especially with her being a premie. her nails were so tiny. When I came across the Buzz B, I knew i needed it. Lennox lets me file her nails with no problems, even when she's sleeping. It doesn't cause her any pain or discomfort and does a great job!

#8 Nylon Headbands
Preparing for a little girl meant buying all the headbands and bows I could get my hands on. I was not prepared for the head of a premie. Of the stash of headbands that I had collected for Lennox, only 3-5 actually fit her premie sized head. I finally found nylon headbands, and I couldn't be happier. They stay on her head, they don't leave marks or indentations and they are absolutely adorable!

Those are my top 8 newborn must haves! Let me know if we have any of the same must haves, or if you have something you would love to recommend!


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